1月11日と12日の二日間、オーストラリア人のハンナ と リジーの姉妹が菊池女子高校で日本の高校生活を体験します。
We have wonderful guests from Australia today and tomorrow. Hannah and Lizzie spend two days at Kikuchi girls’ High School. It’s soooo fun to have them and share our school life together.
From the first period to the after school club activity, English , music, Japanese etc…..
In Japanese class they tried to make haiku. Hannah wrote her haiku in Japanese. Very impressive.
They challeged to make Ichigo Daifuku,too. Ichigo daifuku is a kind of Japanese confection consisting of a strawberry inside ‘daifuku’, which is a rice cake stuffed with sweet bean paste.
They also joined tea ceremony club .
We had so much fun today、didn’t we? We can’t wait to see you tomorrow.
I’m not sleeping. I’m writing haiku in Japanese.